Yodels® Fruit Kabobs

You already know Yodels are a classic, quick treat! Now they are even better as a mid-day snack or after-school pick-me-up in our delicious Yodels Fruit Kabobs. Mixed with fresh fruit and bits of cake, our Yodels are made into the perfect snack for little hands and adults alike. Just grab some skewers, fruit, marshmallows, and cake, and enjoy!

Makes 4-6 Servings


1 Carton Drake's® Cakes Yodels®
2 Fresh Bananas
1 Carton Fresh Strawberries
1 Package Large or Jumbo Marshmallows


1 Package Wooden Skewers


  1. Unwrap and slice Yodels into 1-inch pieces. A sharp knife is best to prevent smashing or crumbling of the coating. 
  2. Slice each banana into chunks. Remove the top of the strawberries. 
  3. Begin building the skewers with a piece of cake, banana, strawberry and marshmallow. Repeat until the skewer is full as in the image. 
  4. Make as many kabobs as you'd like and enjoy them immediately!

Creation Tips:

Want something other than chocolate? Try switching out classic Yodels with Alpine Yodels!

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